Refund Policy
1. I have not received the refund for my canceled order. What do I need to do?
→ A refund amount may take 5 to 7 working days to be credited to your account.
The refund duration may differ depending on the factors including the merchant's refund policy, payment mode, etc. The refunds are processed at the merchant's end. If the merchant has initiated the refund, you would have got a 'refund initiated' mail from PayStation and can expect the amount to be credited to your account within 5 to 7 days of the date the email was received.
If you have not received any refund initiated email, we would suggest that you contact the merchant. If the merchant is not responsive, you can report the issue here.
2. I have not received the refund for my failed transaction. What do I need to do?
→ "In case of a failed transaction, your account should get auto-credited within 2-3 working days based on the bank refund policies. If you haven't received the money after 3 days, you can report your issue here. For the fastest resolution please do mention the payment date and Order ID. In the message section on the form, you can add transaction UTRs.
3. What is the status of my refund?
→ The refunds are processed at the merchant's end. PayStation is a payments platform that helps businesses accept payments. If the merchant has initiated the refund, you would have got a 'refund initiated' mail from PayStation and can expect the amount to be credited to your account within 5 to 7 days of the date the email was received.
If you have not received any refund initiated email, we would suggest that you contact the merchant.
If the merchant is not responsive, you can report the issue here.
4. I have not received my refund even after 7 working days. Can you help me?
→ If you have not received your refund even after 7 working days, you can report your issue here. For the fastest resolution, please do mention the payment Transaction ID, date and Order ID.